Product Summary

The COM81C17P TPUART is an asynchronous only receiver/transmitter with a built in programmable baud rate generator housed in a twenty pin package. The TPUART receives serial data streams and converts them into parallel data characters for the processor. While receiving serial data, the TPUART will also accept data characters from the processor in parallel format and convert them into serial format along with start, stop and optional parity bus. The TPUART will signal the processor via interrupt when it has completely transmitted or received a character and requires service. Complete status information is available to the processor through the status register. The TPUART features two general purpose control pins that can be individually programmed to perform as terminal or modem control handshake signals.


Absolute maximum ratings:(1)Operating Temperature Range:0 ℃ to +70℃ ; (2)Storage Temperature Range:-55 ℃ to +150 ℃; (3)Lead Temperature Range (soldering, 10 seconds):+325 ℃; (4)Positive Voltage on any pin:Vcc+0.3V; (5)Negative Voltage on any pin, with respect to ground:-0.3V; (6)Maximum VCC:+7V.


Features: (1)Single Chip UART With Baud Rate Generator; (2)Asynchronous Operation: 16 Selectable Baud Rate Clock Frequencies (Internal); External 16x Clock (100 KBaud); Character Length: 7 or 8 Bits; 1 or 2 Stop Bit Selection; (3)Small 20 Pin DIP (300 mil) or PLCC; (4)Full or Half Duplex Operation; (5)Double Buffering of Data; (6)Programmable Interrupt Generation; (7)Programmable Modem/Terminal Signals; (8)Odd or Even Parity Generate and Detect; (9)Parity, Overrun and Framing Error Detection; (10)TTL Compatible Inputs and Outputs; (11)High Speed Host Bus Operation (with no wait state); (12)Low Power CMOS; (13)Single +5V Power Supply.




Data Sheet
